
Class Rooms

The classrooms are well ventilated and equipped with comfortable sitting arrangement. Classrooms are having LCD projector and internet connectivity. It provides unique & complete classroom experience.


A rich & resourceful collection of more than 1,900 books, national and international journals, magazines covering various subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Health-hygiene, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science and Biotechnology makes library experience aweful and students can utilize it for their knowledge enhancement.

A collection of Dictionary, Encyclopaedia and References in the subjects of General Science, Nature, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science. A collection of electronic multimedia resources and various subjects is also available.

Computer Lab

College has separate computer lab for students which includes multiple computers besides individual computers for the faculty and staff. The institute is having high speed dedicated internet connectivity. The computer lab is fully equipped with other I.T. tools and softwares also.

Seminar Hall

College has separate Seminar Hall to arrange guest lectures, conduct seminars, workshops, conferences, presentations and group discussions. The seminar room is equipped with LCD projector, and sound system.

Canteen / Cafeteria

The canteen is available in the college premises to cater to the needs of the students. Canteen makes available breakfast, snacks, cold-drinks, tea/coffee and lunch to the student, staff and visitors.

Botanical Garden

There is a garden with main purpose is to nurture vegetation included in the syllabus, to give knowledge of Aurvedic humbles to the stidents and to maintain the environment. There are many herbs in this garden out of which some are local and some herbs on the verge of extinction. Besides these, there are a few rare herbs in the garden.

There is irrigation facility in the garden along with sprinkler system. There is also a well-planned system for maintaining the garden.


The college has state-of-the-art laboratory setup. The advanced scientific instrumentation facilities are available for educational and research purpose. The laboratory facilities includes inoculation room, plant tissue-culture facility in addition to routine laboratory instruments. Special advanced instrumentation facilities of the following type is installed.